Thursday, November 28, 2013

Boa Constructor Tutorial 1 - Build a Text Editor

Like a lot of Python programmers, I was really frustrated that there were no tutorials on the internet explaining how to use Boa Constructor. So I decided to produce a video so other frustrated Pythonians can learn how to use this great application on the Windows operating system. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Boa Constructor Frustrating No User Tutorial Support

After doing some research about Boa Constructor, I found Riaan Booysen was the founder and developer of Boa Constructor. Here is an article written Friday, August 15th, 2003 in the Linux Magazine about Riaan Booysen and Boa Constructor.

No User Support For Boa Constructor
Here is the mailing list for Boa Constructor.

You will find there are a lot of people asking questions. But they receive little and at most times no supportive replies.