Thursday, November 28, 2013

Boa Constructor Tutorial 1 - Build a Text Editor

Like a lot of Python programmers, I was really frustrated that there were no tutorials on the internet explaining how to use Boa Constructor. So I decided to produce a video so other frustrated Pythonians can learn how to use this great application on the Windows operating system. 

Warning – I tried to use Boa Constructor on Ubuntu(Linux) and it kept crashing. Boa Constructor is an easy tool to use when creating Python GUI's (Easy, meaning when you know how to use it).

There is a Help manual in Boa Constructor, but the readers are prone to make mistakes with the Getting Started tutorial.

This tutorial will explain how to build a:
  • Frame
  • Menu bar
  • Status bar
You will learn how to add wxPython and Python code after you have finished creating the Text Editor GUI.

Here is the video tutorial.

I hope this tutorial has been helpful learning about Boa Constructor. 

Go to my latest ebook Boa Constructor, Build A Text Editor.

If you have any questions please add a comment to this blog.


    Boa has been forked on bitbucket. Some changes have been made, but not many. Too bad there isn't more support. Seems like people are interested, but cant find an easy way to contribute.

  2. Thanks for your comment Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Anonymous. Yes I know about Bitbucket. Yes there are a lot of people interested, but they're frustrated due to lack of support or tutorial guides so they tend to give up on Boa. I learned by experimentation and persistence. I hope this blog site will help people who want to learn how to use Boa Constructor.

  3. I agree with you it is very frustrating; very good tutorial. Seems that you decided to use Windows, I use Ubuntu. The only thing I am not being able to get to work is the menubar. Could you post or email me the code to review it?

    1. I use Ubuntu also. Yes I'm using Boa Constructor on Windows. I found Boa crashes on Ubuntu. I will do a tute on how to do menubar. It's easy when you know how

  4. HI, Daryl Williams i have a question for boa constructor, for exemple i made a frame with lot of functions for a CNC machine but when the machine starts working wanted all the buttons all the menus a small window with the machining process appears in up to 100% which has a button to cancel the operation, these all is not without assets ie if the user gave a click on them they do not worked.

    Can you help with that?

    Making a skretch or code for i can understant?

    Sorry for my engles, i'm portuguese.

  5. Hi Daryl,
    A most instructive video, thank you. I have been looking round for a good python GUI/IDE and Boa looks a very interesting choice. Cant see the other videos you mention so I assume you hav'nt got round to them, I look forward seeing them.
    Kind regards Mark
